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William Tanner

William Tanner

CFO, CervoMed, Inc.
United States
William (Bill) Tanner serves as the Chief Financial Officer at CervoMed, joining the company (formerly known as EIP Pharma) in September 2022. Bill is a CFO at Danforth Advisors and has more than 25 years of experience in equity research, life science corporate development, capital raising and investment banking. He most recently served as Co-founder and CFO of ImmunoGenesis, a clinical stage immuno-oncology company formed around assets licensed from the MD Anderson Cancer Center. He previously spent 20 years as a biotech and biopharma research analyst for leading healthcare investment banks including Vector Securities, SG Cowen, Leerink Swann, Lazard Capital Markets and Guggenheim Securities. He has been involved in raising billions of dollars for public and private life science companies. Bill holds a PhD in Physiology from Texas A&M University and completed post-doctoral training in Washington University School of Medicine’s Department of Cell Biology and in the Center for Immunology.