Mei Yee Koh, PhD
Kuda Therapeutics, Inc
Dr. Koh has spent her 20-year career investigating the cellular signaling pathways that impact tumor progression and response to therapy. She has contributed to the development of the novel anti-cancer agents PX-478 (HIF inhibitor) and PX-12 (Thioredoxin inhibitor) and has established herself as a leading expert on the regulation of HIF-1a and HIF-2a in cancer. She completed her PhD in Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Manchester, UK, and her postdoctoral training at the Arizona Cancer Center and the MD Anderson Cancer Center, where she was promoted to join the faculty. She is currently Associate Professor at the University of Utah where she maintains a full research lab today. In addition to securing four grants for Kuda (totaling $3.4M), Dr. Koh investigates mechanisms regulating ferroptosis and cancer progression in her academic laboratory.