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Corporations or other entities that use biotechnology or related technologies for the research and development of products or information.


BIO events attract the most sophisticated investors in the life science community and provide a robust forum for this community to engage in the advancement of promising technologies that improve and save lives. BIO is pleased to provide complimentary registration to qualified investors under BIO’s revised investor policy. Read detailed criteria for investors here.

Qualified investors are defined as institutional, private equity, angel, and venture investors with funds on-hand, whose primary activity is a direct investment in research and development companies (e.g., hedge fund, mutual fund, or venture fund). Equity research analysts from investment banking institutions and buy-side analysts also qualify as investors.

The fund name, portfolio type, and other helpful information is needed for BIO to process your registration appropriately. Receipt of complimentary registration for a prior year's event does not automatically qualify a registrant for complimentary registration in 2024. In cases where no information is attainable via investor relations databases and/or internet, searches may be required to provide additional information.

Organizations who apply for investor registration, that have a service-providing component to their business model, such as investor relations, contract services, organizations or who host competitive events will be ineligible for complimentary investor registration. Should BIO discover undisclosed information about an organization's business model AFTER an application has been approved, it may be rescinded at BIO’s discretion. Please contact for more information



Attendees affiliated with accredited government or academic institution. Attendees must show proof through business card or ID on-site. To be eligible for the non-profit registration category, the attendee must show proof of working for an organization that has already received 501(c)(3) status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.



Corporations qualifying for the Discovery Track discounted rates include only the following: Discovery Track corporations are "pre-emerging" biotech and related companies, qualifying as seed and A-round companies that have raised since founding up to $15M through October 2024. For this event, Discovery Track companies must use biotechnology or related technologies to conduct or support research and development of drug products, diagnostics, or digital therapeutics intended for regulatory approval or already under regulatory review.


Media registration is open to editors and reporters working full-time for print, broadcast, or web publications with valid press credentials. Please contact for more information.


Service Providers for registration purposes, “Service Provider” is defined as shown below:

Corporations or other for-profit entities that provide services or products to biotechnology and other companies. Service providers include investment and merchant bankers and representatives of law, accounting, consulting, contract manufacturers, active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers, contract research organizations, real estate development, and economic development organizations. Service providers cannot register with presenting companies unless approved by BIO and do not receive access to BIO One-on-One Partnering™.  Registration Rates: BIO Member $4,300/Standard $5,950

For service providers to access BIO One-on-One Partnering, the organization must sponsor at a specific level. Our Sales and Sponsorship team is always ready to support your event engagement.  Please feel free to reach out to the team at +1.202.312.9264 or

For the purposes of registration for any BIO event, conference, or meeting, the classification of a registrant as a research and development company, academic & government, or a qualifying investor is subject to review by BIO. In its sole discretion, BIO reserves the right to make the determination of the proper classification of a registrant. Depending on this classification, an additional registration fee may be required. BIO reserves the right to publish materials and restrict conference and/or partnering system access consistent with these determinations.